Are you ready to transform your conversations and become a more effective leader or coach? Inspired by The Coaching Habit by Michael Bungay Stanier, this checklist distills the book’s key coaching questions and habits into actionable steps. Use it to help you remember the core lessons after you’ve read the book so you can build stronger relationships, empower others, and make coaching a natural part of your everyday conversations.

Checklist 1: Kickstart the Conversation

Ask the right questions to begin meaningful coaching conversations.

  • Did I ask the Kickstart Question: “What’s on your mind?”
  • Did I create space for the person to explore their thoughts freely?
  • Did I avoid jumping into problem-solving too quickly?

Checklist 2: Stay Curious Longer

Resist the urge to give advice and focus on asking insightful questions.

  • Did I use the AWE Question: “And what else?”
  • Did I ask follow-up questions to deepen understanding?
  • Did I hold back from offering advice unless explicitly asked?

Checklist 3: Focus the Conversation

Help the person clarify their key challenge.

  • Did I ask the Focus Question: “What’s the real challenge here for you?”
  • Did I help them narrow down the core issue?
  • Did I encourage them to take ownership of the problem?

Checklist 4: Get Clear on Solutions

Support the person in identifying actionable steps.

  • Did I ask the Foundation Question: “What do you want?”
  • Did I clarify what success looks like from their perspective?
  • Did I help them identify specific, actionable next steps?

Checklist 5: Build Accountability

Ensure that commitments turn into actions.

  • Did I ask the Lazy Question: “How can I help?”
  • Did I avoid taking on their responsibilities myself?
  • Did I support them in finding their own solutions?

Checklist 6: Manage Boundaries

Avoid becoming overwhelmed by taking on too much.

  • Did I ask the Strategic Question: “If you’re saying yes to this, what are you saying no to?”
  • Did I help the person recognize the trade-offs involved in their decisions?
  • Did I protect my time and energy by setting clear boundaries?

Checklist 7: Empower Growth

Encourage learning and self-reflection.

  • Did I ask the Learning Question: “What was most useful for you?”
  • Did I invite them to reflect on their insights?
  • Did I reinforce a growth mindset by acknowledging their progress?

How to Use This Checklist

This checklist is a practical tool for integrating the key questions and habits from The Coaching Habit into your daily conversations. Use it regularly to stay curious longer, empower others to find their own solutions, and build accountability in your interactions. With consistent practice, you can develop stronger coaching skills and create lasting impact in your personal and professional relationships.

Why You Should Read The Coaching Habit

If you haven’t yet picked up The Coaching Habit, now is the time! Michael Bungay Stanier’s practical, engaging approach makes it easy to transform everyday conversations into powerful coaching moments. The book’s seven essential questions are simple yet profound, helping you unlock potential, build trust, and create lasting change in your personal and professional life. Reading the book will deepen your understanding of these questions and provide even more insights to take your coaching to the next level.