Category Archives: blog post

An Essential Checklist for Leadership and Self-Deception

Listen as a podcast Use this checklist to evaluate how well you’re applying the principles of Leadership and Self-Deception by The Arbinger Institute in your daily interactions and leadership style. Reflect on your behaviors and attitudes to uncover patterns of self-deception and take steps to operate “out of the box.” 1. Recognizing Self-Deception 2. Seeing

Leading Through Adaptive Challenges: An Essential Checklist

Leading through adaptive challenges can be one of the toughest tests for a leader. Inspired by Leadership on the Line, With a New Preface: Staying Alive Through the Dangers of Change by Ronald Heifetz and Marty Linsky, this concise checklist distills the book’s core principles into actionable steps to help you lead with clarity, courage, and resilience. Whether you’re navigating change, addressing conflict, or sustaining your energy, these guidelines will keep you grounded and effective.

A Checklist for Using the SCARF Model to Get Your Head Straight

David Rock, a thought leader in the field of neuroscience and leadership, introduced the SCARF model in his seminal book Your Brain at Work. This book explores how understanding the brain’s natural tendencies can help individuals and teams improve performance, collaboration, and decision-making. The SCARF model, one of the central concepts in the book, offers

Speak Up! Use the 4-Player Model to Find Something Useful to Say

Listen as a podcast Receiving feedback that you need to “speak up” more in meetings can be both challenging and empowering. It highlights an opportunity to enhance your presence, contribute more effectively, and influence outcomes within your team. One practical framework to guide your engagement is David Kantor’s Four Player Model of team roles. By

Building a Networking System: Using A, B, and C Lists for Success

image shows colorful plastic game pieces arranged on a white surface connected by a network of lines. The game pieces are in various colors such as red, yellow, green, blue, purple, and black, symbolizing individuals or groups connected within a broader network or system. The lines between them suggest relationships or connections, illustrating a network structure or concept of teamwork and collaboration.

Networking can seem like a daunting task, especially if you are an introvert or prefer a structured plan over “mixing.” When you break it down into manageable steps, networking becomes much more approachable. Whether you want to advance your career, grow your business, or simply improve your effectiveness at getting things done, a structured networking

An Essential Checklist for Optimal Energy Management

Listen as a podcast Have you ever felt drained trying to juggle work, family, and personal time? In today’s fast-paced world, sustaining high energy levels can be a challenge. To bridge the gap between knowing and doing, I’ve created a practical, three-part checklist inspired by The Power of Full Engagement by Jim Loehr and Tony

Radical Candor: A Guide for Building Stronger Relationships

Hopefully by now you’ve had a chance to read Kim Scott’s Radical Candor. In today’s fast-paced, high-stakes work environments, clear communication and genuine relationships are more important than ever. Yet, many managers and leaders struggle with giving honest feedback without coming across as harsh or uncaring. This is where Radical Candor, a concept popularized by

Navigating Cultural Differences with Your New Manager

Leadership, management and teamwork between CEO and senior manager in a business meeting in the office. Leader and boss working as a team to plan the vision and mission for growth and development stock photo

Working with a new boss from a different cultural background presents challenges but can open doors to personal and professional growth. By applying these strategies, you can turn cultural differences into an asset for your team’s success.

An Essential Checklist for Crucial Accountability

Listen as a podcast Accountability conversations often come with high stakes and emotions, making them hard to navigate. The following checklist, inspired by Crucial Accountability by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler, will help you stay on track when holding others accountable. Use it before, during, and after conversations to ensure effective

An Essential Checklist for Effective Crucial Conversations

Have you ever found yourself struggling to apply the lessons from Crucial Conversations to real-life situations? High-stakes discussions can be daunting, and bridging the gap between theory and practice isn’t always easy. To help you navigate these challenging moments, I’ve developed a practical, three-part checklist inspired by Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are