Category Archives: blog post

Be Decisive About Your Personal Life or Career

Are you paralyzed by decision-making? Whether in your personal life or career, the problem might not be your confidence level but rather a lack of clarity. Being either too decisive or too hesitant can derail your success. The Myth of Blind Confidence and The Problem of Hesitation There’s a common belief that being decisive equates

Communicate Clear Standards with Compassion

Do you need to have THAT TALK with a member of your team? You have a team member who seems to be acting out of self-interest rather than supporting the goals of the team. There are alternatives to putting the foot down or insisting, “If you don’t start doing what you’re supposed to be doing,

How to Give Yourself a Device-Free Day

Hi. I’m Amy Kay Watson, and I’m addicted to electronics…

Every third Sunday of the month, I have set aside a device-free day. That means this Sunday, I won’t be on email, social media, or even the phone.

Qualities to Seek in a Feedback Partner

We all need feedback to grow, but it’s essential that this feedback comes from the right person. Have you ever wondered who that right person could be for you? Let’s explore this idea. I encourage you to participate in an activity. Set aside names and specific individuals for a moment. Focus instead on the attributes

Should I Take a Descriptive Assessment (Personality Test)?

How to ensure your assessment results are accurate – jump to the checklist. Many coaches begin their work with a client by using an assessment. Oftentimes coaches are certified in one or two assessments that form the cornerstone of their work, and most of these assessments provide a roadmap to help you move from fair