It can be challenging when a close work friend is promoted and becomes your supervisor. When my clients experience this, they can be happy for the friend but nervous about how to navigate this new territory.

Perhaps you can relate. However, by maintaining professionalism, adapting to the new dynamics, and fostering a positive relationship, you can ensure a smooth transition. Here are some tips to help you navigate this change:

Accept the change: Understand and accept that the work relationship will inevitably change. This will help you to adapt more easily and establish new boundaries.

Maintain professionalism: As with any supervisor, treat your friend with the same level of respect, courtesy, and professionalism as you would any other manager.

Separate work and personal life: Make an effort to keep work discussions at work and personal discussions outside of the workplace. This will help establish clear boundaries and prevent any potential conflicts of interest.

Be supportive: Congratulate your friend on their promotion and express your support for their new role. This will not only help maintain your friendship but also create a positive working environment.

Avoid favoritism: It’s crucial to treat all your colleagues fairly and consistently. Avoid seeking special treatment from your friend or engaging in gossip about your new supervisor with other coworkers.

Communicate openly: Be honest and transparent about your concerns or challenges with the new dynamics. Establish open lines of communication to address any issues that may arise professionally.

Respect their authority: While you may have been peers previously, it’s important to recognize and respect their new position of authority. Follow their guidance and adhere to their decisions as you would with any other supervisor.

Focus on your own growth: Use this opportunity to reflect on your career goals and identify areas where you can improve or develop new skills. Seek feedback from your new supervisor and work together to achieve your objectives.

Stay flexible: It’s natural for the dynamics of your relationship to change over time. Be open to adjusting as needed, and remember that it’s possible to maintain a strong friendship while respecting the new professional boundaries.

Keep networking: Continue to build relationships with other colleagues and expand your professional network. This will help you maintain a well-rounded and balanced work life.

Focus on the work: Remember that your primary focus should be on your work and doing your job to the best of your ability. By keeping your focus on your responsibilities and delivering high-quality work, you can demonstrate your value to your team and your organization.

Bottom line, navigating the shift in dynamics when a close work friend becomes your supervisor can be challenging, but it’s an opportunity for growth and adaptation. By maintaining professionalism, respecting their authority, and establishing clear boundaries between work and personal life, you can ensure a smooth transition and preserve your friendship. Open communication, focusing on your own growth, and continuing to network with other colleagues will help you maintain a balanced and fulfilling work life. Ultimately, by embracing change and adapting to new roles, you can foster a positive working environment and further strengthen your relationship with your friend-turned-supervisor.