Imagine you’re gathering your dream team, like building your own superhero squad. What makes your squad stand out? Well, it’s the people in it. They’ve got your back, elevate you, and basically, make you want to be the best version of yourself.

Here’s a simple truth: To have an extraordinary squad, you need to be that extraordinary member too. It’s a two-way street.

If we’re talking about being extraordinary, then being a person who gets stuff done is right at the top. Let’s break down what makes a “doer” so special:

  1. Decisiveness: In a world that’s always on the move, being able to make a call is gold. The top guns, the leaders, they decide swiftly, and they’re not afraid to jump, even if there’s some risk.
  2. Reliability: Talk is cheap. The real MVPs? They act. They’re the kind of people who say they’ll do something and then – surprise, surprise – they do it!
  3. Never-say-die Attitude: They see a wall, they find a way around it, over it, under it, or straight through it. It’s this grit that makes others lean on them.
  4. Self-starter Spirit: Wait for instructions? Not these folks. They’re the pioneers, gathering what they need and leading the way.
  5. Forward-focus: They don’t get bogged down by yesterday’s mistakes. They’re all about what’s next and how to get there.

So, what’s the game plan? To craft a super squad, look for these doers. And while you’re at it, mold yourself into one. The combo of you all together? That’s the stuff of legends.

Thinking you want a bit of a boost to step into this role? Maybe a mentor or coach to guide you along? Let’s chat. Think of me as your personal gym trainer, but for leadership. Together, we’ll pump up those leadership muscles.

Just hit me up. We can brainstorm, strategize, or simply share thoughts. Let’s craft that extraordinary version of you. The ball’s in your court. Let’s play.

1 thoughts on “To Craft a Super Squad, Look for These Doers

  1. Pingback: Who’s On Your Squad? Make Them Decent People – Career Leadership

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