Let’s be honest here. We all want to make some changes in our lives. Maybe it’s your job, or your relationships, or even your business. Or maybe there’s a passion, like writing, that you wish you had more time for.

Face Failure Head-On

Here’s the real deal: When you try something new, there’s a chance you might fall flat. Failures can show up sooner than we’d like. But just like climbing a mountain, the higher we go, the farther we could potentially fall. But that doesn’t stop us from climbing, does it?

Take my own experience for example. Each year, I’ve pushed my business to a new level. Sure, with each new level, I’ve seen success but also some cringe-worthy slip-ups. Do I have a time machine to go back and fix those? Nope. But I learn, hit my reset button, and move forward. You can do the same.

Hit The Reset Button?

Have you ever played video games? Then you’ve discovered a secret: When you fail, you dust yourself off and try again.

The first steps of any change can be full of hiccups. They’re like the awkward first dance steps where you might trip and stumble a bit. But the stumbles only make us better dancers.

We might not have a magic button to wipe out all our mistakes, but we can always get back up and continue from where we left off. So, how do we navigate this tricky path? Here are some strategies:

Accept Failure as Part of the Process

Remember, failure is a part of learning. A stumble doesn’t mean you’re unfit; it just means you’re still learning.

Look at Brad, a scientist I worked with. Leading meetings wasn’t his strength. But with time, feedback, and practice, he improved his leadership skills.

Don’t Stop Learning

If you’re trying to master a specific, tangible skill, you might need around 20 hours of practice. For other skills, like building relationships, the learning curve can be a bit longer. But the key is to stick with it.

Regularly ask yourself, “What have I learned? What can I do better next time?” Embrace your ability to learn. And if it helps, jot down your mistakes and track how you’re improving.

Keep Moving Forward

Once you’ve taken lessons from your mistakes, let go of the regret. Adjust your approach based on what you’ve learned and keep going. Remember, each stumble offers an opportunity to grow.

In the end, this journey is not about chasing perfection. It’s about embracing the process, learning from our hiccups, and growing as a person. So when life throws you a curveball, catch it, learn from it, and keep playing the game. You’ve got this.