Tag Archives: Integrity and Wholeness

Accountability: use the FORD method to get traction

A diverse spread of dishes on a table including a large grilled fish, assorted meats, sliced bread, stir-fried noodles with vegetables, and a vibrant fresh salad in a bowl. Nearby are utensils and a person wearing red is partially visible in the background.

When something goes wrong, it’s easy to look for someone to blame. Accountability doesn’t always have to be reactive (see here for my thoughts on proactively managing accountability). But simply pointing fingers doesn’t solve the problem. The FORD Method helps us dig deeper to find out why things went wrong, and how to make them

Communicate Clear Standards with Compassion

Do you need to have THAT TALK with a member of your team? You have a team member who seems to be acting out of self-interest rather than supporting the goals of the team. There are alternatives to putting the foot down or insisting, “If you don’t start doing what you’re supposed to be doing,

How to Give Yourself a Device-Free Day

Hi. I’m Amy Kay Watson, and I’m addicted to electronics…

Every third Sunday of the month, I have set aside a device-free day. That means this Sunday, I won’t be on email, social media, or even the phone.